The Most Common Dota 2 Mistakes

Many Dota 2 players have faced more than enough mistakes on the way to success. Let’s be honest, things look difficult in the beginning, especially if there is nobody around to help you. Here are the most common mistakes that you should learn before trying your luck at

Mistakes You Should Be Aware of

To overcome possible problems, you should learn them first. Let’s not waste any more time and identify the most common Dota 2 mistakes. Here they are:

  1. Don’t Follow Heroes

    One of the major goals for any team is protecting the towers. If the enemies efficiently destroy them, you’re in a mess. At the same time, you also have to destroy enemies who try to approach you. There is one mistake done by many beginners is following the enemies for a long time. Of course, you want to kill them and minimize the risks. If you start following them, you might be defeated. It’s disappointing to see the enemy going away, but you’ll have some other chances to kill them. What’s important is that you stay safe and defend your property.

  2. Don’t Get Wards

    Since you’re looking for gold, you have to use it to purchase something useful for defense and fight purposes. Wards are some of the most useful options you could get because they show you the location of enemies. Easily, you will be able to learn their every move, and come up with a strategy to approach them. Whether you play support, jungler, carry, or something else, it won’t hurt to get wards in any case.

  3. Don’t Push Lanes Until You Can Succeed

    It’s good to remember that Dota 2 is based on destructions and murder of the opponents. The people that have just got into the game may be challenged by all the actions going on. They may tend to rush forward and go for the fight. As a result, many beginners make the mistake by pushing the lane and losing the match.

  4. Don’t Ignore Runes

    Runes can be really useful in winning team battles. If you miss some of them, you lose a great benefit. Generally, you are given four runes at the beginning of the game. Then, five runes are added every two minutes. You should always keep this process under control.

  5. Don’t Take Damage from the Creeps

    You should practice your gaming skills a lot to make sure you don’t lose. When you get damage from them, you make yourself easier to fight for opponents. Try not get damaged from creeps at the laning stage, so you become more resistant to attacks

  6. Don’t Avoid Communication

    While playing a competitive team game, you have to cooperate with your teammates. If you don’t, you are in trouble because you won’t be able to develop an effective strategy. You have an online chat, so you can use it properly if you want to win your games.

Closing Note

After all, you should enjoy the game by getting the maximum out of it. Have you made any of the above-mentioned mistakes? If yes, then it’s time to fix them.